| Could someone point me in the direction of or have any info on a basic no frills Ultrasonic cleaner capable of cleaning 20"x20" stencils? | Thanks, | Jack LaRue | jlarue@mail.nortechsys.com Hi Jack! Well, I'm sure you've heard of Smart Sonic... I'm also sure that's why you said " a basic, no-frills cleaner"...Smart Sonic can tend to be a little "frilly"...hehehe I just began my job at a start-up company (this coming wednesday will be two whole weeks!), and the engineering manager at our parent company ordered a ultrasonic stencil cleaner for us from a company called PMR... they're out of Arizona. (www.pmrsystems.comm). I've never worked with this unit before, but I did talk to the engineering manager about his choice...mainly because I've never heard of them before, and because I have worked with a Smart Sonic. He told me that they currently have had a Smart Sonic back east at the corporate plant, and there's a few things that the PMR system has over the Smart Sonic: 1. One big thing is it's cheaper... 2. The PMR system filters the wash water between uses with either a 5 or 10-micron filter (whichever you specify), which will extend the life of the wash solution greatly before you need to dump it and put some fresh water in...I've been told it lasts twice as long in the PMR system as it does the Smart Sonic.. 3.The PMR system is doing something with their machines that Smart Sonic is just now starting to do....which is to have two-separate tanks together inside the machine; one for solderpaste, and one for epoxy. That way you don't wind-up getting epoxy residue all over everything. 4. PMR is the "New Guy" on the block with ultrasonic stencil cleaners...so they're kinda' hungry...you can bargan a little, if ya' know what I mean. The ultrasonic transducer is a 40 kHz job, and they have 2-models. One is the 2500 (17" X 17"), and the other is the 5000, which is (34" X 34"). We bought the 5000...I just gotta see it for myself now. It's all stainless steel, and they use a non-VOC, not polluting detergent like Smart Sonic does. I don't know the exact price we paid, but I heard that if we bought the same sort of system we're getting from PMR, from Smart Sonic, it would have cost us another $8-10K or so.. 5. Lead times from PMR are a heck of lot shorter than Smart Sonic... -Steve Gregory-
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