Jeff: You're correct �7.1.3 of ANSI J-STD-001C states " Drying / Degreasing states the assembly may be treated to remove moisture and other volitiles."
We don't bake "FR4" for love nor money. The archive are littered with threads along this line.
Years ago, we baked every thing, primarily to remove moisture that would cause blow holes in wave soldered boards. Better buy scheduling, board design, and plant environmental control have eliminated this negative value step. Now, the only thing we bake is multiwire boards.
As far as your volatiles are concerned, your board supplier should be able to tell you what the volitiles are, their hazards to your employees, required engineering and environmental controls, bake schedule, recommended equipment, inventory swell, etc. From that you should be able to price your baking effort. From that price, your buyer should a concrete incentive to negotiate with another supplier.
Yano what I think? Your supplier block builds your entire order, ships portions of it to you on schedule, and suckers you into baking the moisture that naturally collects in the later shipments. Now that's a volatile I can understand!!!
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