Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design SMT Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Forum

Printed Circuit Board Assembly & PCB Design Forum

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anybody seeking for PCb Design



anybody seeking for PCb Design | 15 April, 2001

Hi All..... I would like to know if anybody is interrested in having some high speed Multi Layer PCB Designs .

Here in Egypt, a lot of design centers with the state of the Art tools in PCB ,FPGA, ASIC and many other tools covering the complete PCB & IC flow.

I mean starting from the Idea " State diagram , Vhdl,schematic " ending with the Gerber file or even with drilling file of different format and plotting files for different Photo plotters.

Yes, It seem abit strange to have such hi-tec in Egypt but...yes it is here with the privilage of low price Wolud you please, Give me all your openion about how might be the link between the wealthy design centers here in Egypt and a market like the European one....which has extreme need for this..??!

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