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BGA rework station


BGA rework station | 12 July, 2001

I am currently looking into purchasing a BGA rework station. Most of the various manufactures use convection heat, but Ersa was different in that they use IR. I know and understand the difference between the two types, but I was wondering if any body had used the Ersa? Any concerns with overheating a component with IR? Other comments?



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BGA rework station | 12 July, 2001

I am not familiar with the ERSA system you talk about but wanted to let you know there is another company call PDR that also uses IR and no nozzles. the machine is pretty slick and easy to use and set up. We have found no adverse affects to the IR heating module as it pertains to components.

PDR Xytronic Dave White 9163955595

Tell Dave Cal from ACI provided the contact info.

Best regards, Cal

Caldon W. Driscoll ACI USA 610-362-1200

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BGA rework station | 12 July, 2001

ERSA and PDR Xytronic both make very respectable lower priced rework equipment.

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BGA rework station | 15 August, 2001

Hi Larry- Be wary of which IR systems you use, dark IR (ERSA) maintains only the positive effects of infrared use in that this infrared medium wavelength has the optimal absorbtion/reflection ratio between light and dark colors. Therby, guaranteeing uniform heating of substrate and package. Light IR (PRR) uses a higher wavelength similar to the reflow ovens of the past. The main disadvantage here with light IR is the reflection/absorbtion differences between light and dark colors which lead to temperature gradients between the component and subtrate.

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BGA rework station | 16 August, 2001

METCAL has a good unit, for BGA rework, and it uses Hot Air Reflow (convection).

The pros and cons of Hot Air Vs IR, you can find easily ard u... em are ageless topics, happy debating.

hint : good reasons why SMT Reflow Ovens, were IR switched to Hot Air reflow, and majority of folks r using Hot Air reflow Ovens...

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BGA rework station | 16 August, 2001

When Air-Vac introduced an IR system at a show in San Jose, people though it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. For obvious reasons they discontinued the short life of the IR systems and implemented hot air into their rework stations. Sales Reps for the IR systems must be working overtime.

For conventional hot air rework stations check out,,,


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