Kyungman: So, your boss is trying to get you to put a wet paste inspection machine on your line after the printer. Sounds like you have a bunch of toys and someone wants to give you more!!!! Ah, the burdens some people have to live with!!! ;-)
Just so I�m clear:
� Do you have a Sentry 2000 and are considering adding another wet paste inspection machine? � Did you borrow a Sentry 2000 to check your process? � Is the Sentry 2000 the machine you are considering purchasing?
On the issue of available programming time for the new paste inspection machine when there isn�t enough time to program the inspection and x-ray machines now, consider making CAD-to-CAM software with drivers for all automated inspection and placement machines a part of your purchase. Yeh, I know it takes time to program the machine to program the machines. Previous threads on SMTnet talk to the suppliers (ie, GC-Place, CircuitCAM, FabMaster, etc) of this software.
Sorry, no data on defect rate improvements using paste inspection machines, but then again, the performance of those machines are so vendor specific I wonder if you shouldn�t be:
� Running trials with your boards on the specific machines? � Talking to users of the specific machines?
As I recall, the issue with wet paste inspection machines is through-put. They�re not real speedy, as you would expect, because they have to do all this 3D viewing, measuring, calculating, and what not. So to keep pace with placement machines, they only look at portions of the total number of solder bricks. May be that�s your hammer. Was there a recent article in "SMT Magazine" (or some place like that) on AOI?
Good luck
Dave F
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