Seen this before, many times. We fixed our problems at the co I work for by giving a packaging specification to our purchasing dept. Took some work but the payoff was pretty big.
This document includes such things as orientation,pitch,tape type,Esd Req,Moisture specs,elect specs,etc. We use multiple vendors for several of our soic's,Bga's & qfp's. Until we started doing this we probably had 1-2 wrong orientations in a 3-4 month span. Most get caught fairly quickly but it still adds up to a lot of rework. The # of incidents has gone down quite a bit since implementing the packaging spec. I think it's probably been 6 months or more since our last incident.
I've even seen problems within the same vendor. Same part #, same vendor different location. If a vendor is putting parts in tape by hand you can get various rotations in the same reel. We usually reject lot #'s of parts if this occurs. We return them for inspection & re-taping if necessary.
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