| Looking for a reasonably priced portable device to do strength test(shear/twist)on glue cured Cap/Res. Any suggestions? Thanks | My torque watch came from Waters Manufacturing, Inc. A div of Talley Industries. Longfellow Center, Wayland Massachusetts 017778. It's a few years old, so I don't know if the company is still around. It was only a couple hundred bucks. And it does a good quick & easy job of evaluating cured strengths.
I'm not a big fan of twisting the parts off, though. It'll give you good comparative data, but the way parts get knocked off is usually be shear. My shear tester is from Chattilon Gages, 7609 Business Park Drive, Greesnboro, NC. (910) 668-0841. It does a great job of giving actual shear strengths. But it was a couple thousand dollars.
When we did adhesive qualifications about a year ago, Heraeus 944 and 955 came out on top. This stuff was so strong, that ceracmic chip caps would break before the adhesive bond. When the components let go, part of the component would still be stuck to the board.
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