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Cleaning machine of rejected parts or misfed components?

Views: 2023



Cleaning machine of rejected parts or misfed components? | 18 January, 2006

Just wanted to see how everyone else out there saves their misfed components from the machine. Our operators dont have a clue how expensive components are that they sweep up in the vacuum on a daily basis. Most of it is pure laziness. Is there anything out there that is safe to clean up a machine and put in an esd bag for later repairs?? Just curious on what others do. Thanks.

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Cleaning machine of rejected parts or misfed components? | 18 January, 2006

I've seen both schools of thought on this. Do you really want to pay someone 7 bucks a hour to pick up and seperate 30 cents worth of parts an hour? Then again, if they are really expensive parts worth reclaiming, you need to find out why your machine is rejecting them.

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Cleaning machine of rejected parts or misfed components? | 18 January, 2006

I dont really care about res. and caps. as much as I do ICs. Most of the parts fall out from feeder problems or Vib settings.

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Cleaning machine of rejected parts or misfed components? | 23 January, 2006

Good day,

Vibratory (MultiStick) feeder is bottleneck of any placement machine. If you feed expensive IC�s via vibratory feeder they surely will be damaged. If you really care about expensive IC�s equip you placement machine with reject conveyor. In case if machine can�t recognize expensive component it will place this component on reject conveyor instead of dumping it to box with chip components.

BR, Pavel

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