Bower & Associates

Contingency search firm in Dallas/Fort Worth serving North America and Mexico

Consultant / Service Provider

We search for talent in sales, sales management, technical applications and engineering. The industry specialty is electronics assembly capital equipment and associated software tools. Candidates experienced with SMT, PCBA, semiconductor assembly processes and equipment, robotics automation, machine vision, test (ICT, ATE, mixed signal digital), inspection, MES, SFDM, SCADA, ERP and other factory automation software are of great interest. A high level of expertise and over 10 years of experience make a significant impact on finding qualified candidates and clients. Email resume as MSWord attached document, call Rich Bower at 817-283-2256.

Bower & Associates Postings

2 products »

Recruiting/focused searches

Bower & Associates has over 10 years of experience recruiting talent in the SMT/PCBA industry...

Reference checks/background checks

Reference checking is the norm. B&A can provide full financial, educational and crimonal background checks for a fee....

ICT Total SMT line Provider

Win Source Online Electronic parts