YVL88 MKII laser Verification

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Hi everyone, I've been out of it for a while after 27 years... - Nov 24, 2017 by Darby  



YVL88 MKII laser Verification | 24 November, 2017

Hi everyone, I've been out of it for a while after 27 years. Got made redundant in February. What can you do? I know - turn 60 and get cranky. That'll be the ticket. Anyway...... Trying to help someone out with a Yamaha YVL88MKII. I am very conversant with the older YM series but not the YVs. Here's my question. How can I tell if the laser is operational? Cannot get anything to pass. Same result parameters in the test no matter what the component.

Now I'm presuming that I'd see a flash of light of some colour during processing. I've run Samsung CP40s since 1998 and you see the red flash when laser centering. When I said this to the owner he replied that he's never seen any visual clue that the laser is doing it's job. So - how can I tell?

The owner runs the machine a few times a year doing job lots of his own products. It's basically a garage operation. No paperwork or anything and he programmes online and keeps everything in his head.

I'm also struggling with the menu system in these, so your answers may have to be step by step.

BTW - I'm doing this because I tried retirement and it sucks. I was so bored.

Regards to all in SMT world - just remember - all ya gotta do is press the big green button and everything takes care of itself. Gees - I don't even know why they paid me for all those years...... Cheers, Darby.

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Jeff R


YVL88 MKII laser Verification | 30 November, 2017

Darby. You may be a wise old fart, but in this case you should pass the job to someone with experience on that model. May I suggest Silvio at Ness in Sydney.

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YVL88 MKII laser Verification | 1 December, 2017

Hi Jeff, Glad to see you are still around. The two S's were my first port of call....you know how hard it is to knock new information into my head. Apparently there is no visual indication. They've suggested cleaning the unit with ISO etc but I think the problem runs deeper than that. Anyway I'll give it a go. I'm going to suggest he just uses the camera - there is no particular need for speed - until or if he gets it resolved. You're a good man. Thanks for trying to help him. Darby.

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Jeff R


YVL88 MKII laser Verification | 2 December, 2017

I know who the customer is Darby. He could just ask me to visit.... Just because I am retired and live in Melbourne is no real obstacle. Anyway, when it comes to the Laser machines experience is required, Silvio or myself are required.

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