Intermittent vacuum on Hydra pipe

Views: 1896

MYDATA MY9E: Hydra's pipe can't stop the vacuum during assem... - Jan 19, 2018 by Ivam Mendes  

Ivam Mendes


Intermittent vacuum on Hydra pipe | 19 January, 2018

MYDATA MY9E: Hydra's pipe can't stop the vacuum during assembly. The problem ocurre just in only one pipe, the number 5. The tool picks components but doesn't drop it. Can the problem be in the unit vacuum?

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Intermittent vacuum on Hydra pipe | 19 January, 2018

It should be one of these latches that got stuck in position. I had a similar problem(my200 machine) the other way around - my stays closed so I don't get any vacuum. The problem is that the whole block of latches should be replaced(on a my200 machine)

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Ivam Mendes


Intermittent vacuum on Hydra pipe | 19 January, 2018

Our supplier said the same. I thought it could be anything more simple. Anyway, he will send me another block to replace and see if works. Thank you for answer.

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Intermittent vacuum on Hydra pipe | 19 January, 2018

In my opinion save the old block and see how hard is to replace one if you have problems in future. I suppose it will be fixable.

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