Increased functionality and performance requirements for microprocessors and ASICs have resulted in a trend to package these devices in the flip-chip BGA form factor (FCBGA). Because these devices use in excess of 40-100 Watts of power, their packages must dissipate heat in an extremely efficient manner.
Most semiconductor companies have developed some type of thermally enhanced FCBGA package that provides heat dissipation through the back of the die to a heat spreader. This design works very well, but is highly dependent on the ability of the thermal interface material (TIM) to transfer thermal energy efficiently from the back of the die to the heat spreader. The TIM is often the limiting factor for heat dissipation, either because it does not conduct heat adequately, or because it fails to maintain intimate contact between the back side of the die and the heat spreader.
Credit / Source: Punit Kohli, Martin Sobczak, Jeff Bowin, Michael Matthews Henkel / Ablestik Laboratories
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