Electronics Forum: btu p150, paramax 98n (4)

BTU VIP98N Install

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 21 12:52:51 EST 2009 | ryanmiller

I need to find someone that can do an install and general training for a BTU VIP98N, in the Cleveland area, quickly. Please let me know if you or someone you are familiar with can provide that service. Thank you. Ryan Miller 214-403-7886 rmiller@d

VIP98N settings

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 02:10:26 EST 2007 | mpolak

Hi, Could you guys verify my BTU VIP98N oven settings for lead free process. At the moment as my standard profile im using these settings 140 160 180 207 205 220 257 same temps for bottom and speed 50cm/min. Has anyone got same oven and could

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