590 mydata transducers out of sink results

Electronics Forum: mydata transducers out of sink (3)

transducers out of sync error, Mydata TP-11

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 08:19:03 EST 2012 | cyber_wolf

Replace both of the big X-wagon ribbon cables to start with. You always have to rule those out before looking at anything else.

transducers out of sync error, Mydata TP-11

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 23:02:55 EST 2012 | ev

We have a TP-11 and this error occurs at the start of the insertion pattern hence we can't run. Any suggestions for correction? Thanks, Ev

Express Newsletter: mydata transducers out of sink (587)

SMTnet Express - May 15, 2014

SMTnet Express, May 15, 2014, Subscribers: 22742, Members: Companies: 13878, Users: 36194 Performance of Light Emitting Diode on Surface Machined Heat Sink S. Shanmugan, D. Mutharasu, O. Zeng Yin, Universiti Sains Malaysia In the point

SMTnet Express - June 8, 2017

SMTnet Express, June 8, 2017, Subscribers: 30,461, Companies: 10,609, Users: 23,346 Low-Cost Inkjet Printing Technology for the Rapid Prototyping of Transducers Bruno Ando, Salvatore Baglio, Vincenzo Marletta, Antonio Pistorio; DIEEI

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