1423 training to improve manual visual inspection in electronics assembly results

Industry News: training to improve manual visual inspection in electronics assembly (3)

A Look to the Future in the Electronics Industry at IPC APEX EXPO® 2013

Industry News | 2013-01-19 07:46:16.0

Information that inspires innovation is center-stage for design, printed boards, electronics assembly, test and printed electronics

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

FSInspection to Participate in the IPC Hand Soldering Competition at productronica 2015 with the X-Mag Machine Vision Station

Industry News | 2015-11-04 20:46:46.0

FSInspection today announced that it will provide the X-Mag Machine Vision Station in the Hand Soldering Competition presented by IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® in cooperation with productronica 2015. Skilled competitors will demonstrate their soldering skills on Nov. 10–13 in Hall A2, stand 405, as they compete for cash prizes: 1st place — €300; 2nd place — €200; 3rd place — €100; and a coveted spot at the IPC Hand Soldering World Championship at IPC APEX EXPO® in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 15-17, 2016.


Express Newsletter: training to improve manual visual inspection in electronics assembly (1128)

SMTnet Express August 15 - 2013, Subscribers: 26214

SMTnet Express August 15, 2013, Subscribers: 26214, Members: Companies: 13451, Users: 35059 A Printed Circuit Board Inspection System With Defect Classification Capability by I. Ibrahim, S. Bakar, M. Mokji, J. Mukred, Z. Yusof, Z. Ibrahim, K

Partner Websites: training to improve manual visual inspection in electronics assembly (292)

4 Popular Electronics Manufacturing Training Courses - Blackfox - Premier Training and Certification

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC | https://www.blackfox.com/blog/4-popular-electronics-manufacturing-training-courses/

Electronics Manufacturing Training Courses Electronics manufacturing training courses equip assembly line staff with the proper skills to operate complex industrial machines optimally and safely

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Electronics Assembly Manufacturing Equipment | Nordson

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/industries/electronics-assembly-and-packaging?page=8

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Blackfox Training Institute, LLC
Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Blackfox is the industry leader in providing IPC Certifications, Solder Training, Customized Training Programs, and Counterfeit Component Training and Certification.

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701 Delaware Ave. Unit B
Longmont, CO USA

Phone: 303-684-0135

2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

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