Electronics Forum: 0.4mm nozzle (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 10:27:03 EST 2008 | fastek

Well I've heard you must get the 0201, 0.4mm tape feeder to place an 0201 component as the 0402 feeder won't do it. They ain't cheap @ $1,000 each from Fuji roughly. Also you will need to get 0.4mm nozzles on your machine. Have you actually done thi

0201 on CP43

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 20:50:34 EDT 2008 | keithej2

SMT Research has offered to sell us 0.4mm nozzles for tests. Even if the camera worked with the nozzles and parts (which I doubt) I don't think the CP4 has the x-y accuracy to place 0201s well. We'll see, they are ordering the nozzles, test parts and

0201 placement on Fuji CP4-3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 16:39:29 EST 2012 | triadelectronics

Our company is going to attempt to place 0201 components using our Fuji CP4-3 with the upgraded SMD3 vision system. Count On Tools is providing the 0.4 mm nozzles and we are using our 8mmX2mm feeders with the 0.7mm tape leaf (if it works at all we w


Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 18 22:52:15 EDT 2015 | mdang

What nozzle size do you use to place 01005 on Fuji CP8 machine? The smallest nozzle size on the CP8 is 0.4mm. Could we use this nozzle to place 01005 since the size of 01005 pacakge is 0.4mm x 0.2mm. Thank you for your help, -Michael


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 04:23:13 EST 2008 | fujillews

Hi It is best to fit the VGA camera for 0201 parts make sure your software is high enough..above v1.33 although you can place without but no so good. 0.4mm tapered nozzles are best. 0201 feeder the locator base in increased by aprox 0.3mm and the ind

QP341 Z-Height issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 20 12:03:25 EDT 2008 | mmjm_1099

Can someone please shed some light on a QP picking problem I am having? It seems I am having to add more and more z offsets in the programs and unsure why. I have to go in and add 0.4 mm into the Z pick because the nozzle isn�t coming down enough. Wh

Best Jet Printer? MY600?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 08:54:35 EDT 2016 | spoiltforchoice

Essemtec like to keep some details to themselves to make you initiate contact but the Jet nozzle page states it can do 0.4mm dots. Last I checked a single Jet dispenser was about £15k GBP, the Scorpion machine itself is effectively the same platform

Flying Diode

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 00:21:42 EDT 2011 | jacki

Hi All Currently, we encountered that the schottky barrier diode was up side down or misalignment during SMT process.And, many parts were blown away as pick up error. What we found is its package space is a little bigger for parts to move. I seek y

Zevatech 740 RH Head - issues with rotation of component during laser recognition

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 18:15:28 EDT 2018 | maustin

The 740 has been a great machine for us. We've been able to reliably load components as small as 0603 (we've not tried 0402, but I believe with a special nozzle adaptor, you can get it to work) and place a 7x7 56 pin QFN with 0.4mm pin pitch with hi


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