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DEK Galaxy CAN Node Not Responding Error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 04:20:58 EDT 2016 | jasltd

Thanks, I have managed to get a step further and now get the additional info on the error that it is node 1. All cables are connected, will double check the power but I believe it has power, I seem to be able to drive everything in diagnostics mode

power grid quality for SMT line

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 30 07:53:54 EST 2021 | saberbouras

I suggest that you perform a electric power quality analysis with a qualified technician using this equipment https://www.fluke.com/en-us/product/electrical-testing/power-quality/1742-1746-1748 test 1 : all lights on take the measurement of your s

Re: Fine Pitch Components

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 18:19:08 EDT 2000 | Darby

Nick, Like John says, it will only be a short time and you will "just know". In the meantime you might want to try - 1. All the placement machine manufacturers have show pcbs for the exhibitions, many of these show pitch and package types on the silk

Re: My Wave Is Getting Fixed...

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 08:25:58 EST 1999 | Dave F

Thanks Steve. Once I spent almost a week with a torch, chisel, hammer, and other "tools of ingnorance" removing accumulated solder that had finally ceased the conveyor of a wave solder machine. From then on, I pledged myself that for myself ( and e

Salary Ranges

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 14:19:29 EST 2008 | operator

Well, here it is. My responsibilities: 1.All Documentation (build packets, processes docs, etc...Even some administrational docs) 2. Oven profiling and everything that goes with it (customer interaction, board& component baking ) 3. ESD program et

Universal GSM 2

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 09:22:14 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Deni, Thanks. I managed to do pretty much exactly that. I was able to get the changers to pop up, and check the vacuum on the nozzles. The first two nozzles are very well sealed into the changer (can't move them), but, the balance of the nozzles


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