Electronics Forum: 2.smt (Page 1 of 2)

RV-E2 SMT Implementation

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 20:05:16 EST 2006 | gcolbert

My company was considering buying RV-2E/s to perform functions in a electronic circuit board manufacturing facility. Are they any obvious situations where this machine can be used? Soldering/labeling/station transfer/general assembly? Any suggestions

Wave Soldering No-Clean Bottom-Side SMT

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 28 13:23:22 EDT 2000 | Chris McDonald

We have had nsome new products come in that require Bottom side wave soldering (SMT). I have SOIC's 1206, 0805 that are Glued then Wave soldered. I have had trouble with bridging and no-clean residue with these pcbs. I have a Econopak 2 SMT two zone

Philips Orion 2 Error Message

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 09:14:08 EDT 2007 | stefi

Hi, We have a very annoying problem with a Philips Orion 2 SMT machine. It displays the error message "Second Limit Over" a few times per shift and it's impossible to make the machine work again unless it is turned off from the mains. It stops in th

Average paste volume estimate

Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 12:20:18 EDT 2008 | danimalz

Does anyone have an easy way to estimate how much solder paste is applied to a smt pcb? I understand it varies on squeegee pressure, stencil thickness, and pitch of the components but I was looking for an average. I would assume that somewhere out th

ISO Air Quality Spec for Compressed Air Pick n Place Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 15:32:12 EST 2012 | lace138

Hi Guys, I recently have moved my 2 smt lines (Assembleon) and need to make sure my compressed air quality does not have any oil and water. The specs in the manual state "water and oil free" compressed air which is very vague. Would anyone know wh

Peelable Mask for Wave That Will Survive a DI Wash Process

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 19 12:36:04 EDT 2014 | joeherz

We have an application where an assembly has to be residue (flux) free except for 2 SMT non washable parts. Currently those parts are post wash hand adds but the product volume is exploding. We want to run those parts in SMT, mask them using an aut

Pasting ahead

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 12 01:02:58 EST 2006 | Thomas

One printer 2 smt lines = No problem, but then you will need 2 ovens. It is even sometimes a more valuable cost savings depending on what production you are into. At first the stencil printer with a divertion conveyor, then straight ahead into the 1

Lead free SAC solder paste on Sn63 HASL PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 16:31:41 EST 2015 | jacklucas

In switching to lead free processing, we find ourselves having over 400 PCB part numbers with Sn63 HASL finish. And there is no hope of quickly purging inventory and getting our drawings changed to call out a lead free finish. I want to avoid having

Ni/Au > Immersion Tin/Silver PCB finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 22 16:40:23 EST 2007 | mika

One of our customers that always was going for Ni/Au surface finish on RoHS PCB and our processs was adjusted for that, "whithout any problem". Recently they decided to switch to another surface finsh: PbFree HASL. What is that? Imersion tin/silver?

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:23:11 EDT 2004 | davem

Hi Grant, In previous positions I've had experience with the Fuji CP43, CP6, CP642, CP643, CP65, IP3 & QP242. In operating, training and process engineering capacities. Presently, I'm working with 2 SMT lines (in a process engineering capacity) wit

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