Electronics Forum: 200 20form 2005 (Page 1 of 6)

Looking for an inline DI water cleaner in China

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 10:00:43 EST 2005 | GS

Did you considered Aquastorm 200 (speedline)? Regards GS

Cracked Capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 16:59:09 EDT 2005 | esoderberg

just at 0.200 from both the short and the long edge

Fuji XP242E

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 10 00:05:23 EDT 2005 | fastek

Right around $200K is what I've heard.

PTH insertion

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:58:14 EST 2005 | pjc

Its an operator dependant system. I've had operators range from 600 to 1,200 CPH.

ETS oven spare part (machine down)

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 11:06:58 EST 2005 | joaquin

Hello, I am in the same situation with an Cureflow 200 ETS oven. Could you please tell me if you have got any service address? Thermocouples control card is broken and people that was giving that service are not contactable.

PTH Solder Short

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 08:48:33 EDT 2005 | jimih280

that depends on clinch direction, length, and angle. .200" hole center to center is usually safe for all automatic insertion equipment.

Stencil Cleaning / Zestron / Vigon

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 10:59:37 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

Is there anyone out there using Zestron Vigon SC200 stencil cleaning solution? We were told that it can be used to clean SMT adhesive, water soluble, and no clean paste flux. Can anyone tell me anything about this stuff ?

Cracked Capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 15:39:37 EDT 2005 | esoderberg

We are experiencing cracking of 1206 .1uf/50V capacitors on our boards. Design is keeping the caps away from the board edge 0.200 and perpendicular to the longest edge but still they crack even in the interior of the board. Recommendations? bds are

Manual Stencil Printers

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 11:02:23 EST 2005 | russ

i would look at an SPM from MPM(speedline) or an SP200 from Europlacer (speedprint not speedline) We have used both of these machines with great success from 16mil pitch qfps to .5mm pitch uBGAs.

Lead free profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 10:19:16 EST 2005 | jbrower

Hi James, Sure, I'd be happy to share my base line. zone1 140 zone2 170 zone3 200 zone4 230 zone5 270 belt speed 19"/min This is the base line that I started with. I hope that this helps. Best regards, Jay

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