Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 16:30:30 EST 2006 | davef
380SR-flux gel is sold by Cobar. Look here: http://www.lumileds.com/pdfs/AB10.PDF This application note suggests: * �#1;Metals 390DH4 * �#1;Metals LR735 * �#1;Metals NS4029 * ESP 6#1;412 * Cobar 380SR#1;flux gel Comments are: * "�#1;Metals" is "A
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 20:36:00 EDT 2001 | ianchan
Hi mates, thanks for the interest on this topic, just to share info to clarify any queries : 1) am using light blue-grey materials for the Pallet 2) am using Hot Air Convection Reflow Oven 3) I suspect its due to the Pallet materials properties, t
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