Electronics Forum: alpha assembly solutions (Page 1 of 44)

Leadfree assembly

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 23 09:37:20 EDT 2007 | davepick

Assuming you are going to build using a Leaded part on a Lead Free Process - beware of Weak Joints. I saw this at a large Multinational company - They had secondary reflow on a Top Side QFP when the PCB went over the wave. We did pull strength tests

SMD assembly

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 07:37:11 EDT 2002 | mk

Whoaaaa Genny, Its not that bad!!! The difficulty factor is in assembling your own boards is all releative to how many, and how difficult they are. Most studies show that the vast majority of defects in smd assembly are generated in the application

assembly software for JUKI

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 06 13:21:58 EDT 2013 | impressx

Hi Sarason, I am really interested in exporting these old 740 files directly from our purchasing application that I wrote during the years. I've got a couple of customers who use variant assemblies and panelization of boards. The flexcad solution is

assembly with/without TH components

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 04:33:05 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Simulating with what? In developed countries manual labour is expensive but is also still the most common solution to fitting though hole parts, even if the board are then wave-soldered. Mixing SMT and THT on what sounds like a very simple product wi

Re: problem in micro-BGA assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 18:24:13 EDT 1999 | Christian N.

| Dear guys, | | I have some problem on assembling micro-BGA with solder paste (63/37). The micro-BGA we assmeble is 0.75mm pitch and with 45 pin (solder bump is 96.5/3.5Ag). The stencil is a laser-cut stencil with 5 mil thickness. We are now usin

Lead free parts on a leaded assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 15:58:16 EDT 2006 | RusH

Mario, Thanks for your response. We are building a leaded assembly with hot air leveled Sn/Pb pads on the PCB. In one case the component is a 7.5X5.2X1.8 wire wound ferrite inductor with Au/Sn leads. The second component is an 0808 Tantalum cap,

Lead free parts on a leaded assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 15:21:03 EDT 2006 | RusH

We are having significant issues with lead free parts on leaded assemblies. Particularly grainy and non-wetted solder joints. Does anyone have any solutions.

Sheer strength of a BGA assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 11:37:48 EDT 2010 | davef

There is no specification. Shear tests are very material / operator dependent. BALL SHEAR TESTING OF RAW BGA DEVICES: A total of 3 devices were subjected to ball shear testing. Results of the testing indicated shear values in the range of 0.7-1.25

Lite-On side looking LED assembly problems

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 21:11:11 EDT 2014 | isd_jwendell

This style gave me grief as well. The problem is the way the part is manufactured leading to an unusual pad configuration. When the part is placed on the PCB there is no pad wrap under the part, the pad is 90 degrees to the board. The datasheet shows

Re: Attenna assembly for RF board

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 13:57:50 EST 1999 | Ron Beasley

| | I have a recent design (1 component side only) that calls for 2 surface mounted antenna's (brass plated) to be mounted on a PCB. The problem arises when the PCB is 18x11.25 and has 15 to 20 PCB's in the pallet (IE weight, fixturing to hold the a

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