Electronics Forum: castellated solder pads (Page 1 of 359)

castellated lead aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 21:33:24 EDT 2007 | hussman

Castellated is the easiest lead design. Anything longer than the out side dimension of the part should be OK. However, you will never get an inspection person to say it looks OK, yet the solder joint occurs on the bottom side of the part - like a B

silkscreen on solder pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 14:33:44 EDT 2002 | lhoang

Any one encountered the problem such as poor conductivity when the silkscreen mis-registrated on the solder pads ? Thanks; Linh

silkscreen on solder pads

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 03 08:28:29 EST 2002 | davef

We have had poor solderability from silk screen being on pads, but have never measured the conductivity.

solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 14 17:39:37 EDT 1999 | Gerry S.

One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with the

SOIC solder thieves vs enlarged trailing pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 17:36:48 EDT 1998 | Ted Nicholas

Hello! Does any one know of a disadvantage of using the Phillips recommended wave solder SOIC footprint where the last pad on each side of the SOIC is enlarged, instead of placing an extra pair of pads behind the SOIC. Both footprint patterns seem e

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 14:56:03 EDT 1999 | Dean

| One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with th

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 04:47:04 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact wit

Design guidelines for solder thief pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 05:47:44 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

This is not strictly a surface mount query but any input welcome I am thinking of using surface mount solder thief pads for a through hole connector. The connector is two rows of 0.1" pitch pins and on waving there is often a bridge on the last two p

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 07:54:05 EDT 1999 | Peter Barton

| | | | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact w

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 21:03:41 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | | | | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact

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