Electronics Forum: chip on board bake specs (Page 1 of 1)

Moisture under chip capacitors

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 15:23:31 EDT 2003 | Peter L.

I have come across a rash of failed assemblies that have 0805 capacitors and resistors, bottom side glued, wave soldered and washed. Trouble shooter reported touching up the solder joints on a few areas and the boards would pass test. I had a look a

Re: solder balls on high temp.solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 17:54:04 EST 2000 | ralph

I've had this problem myself, though in using water soluables. But the process to eliminate it is still the same. There are three possible causes for this to occure. Too much humidity, to much solder, and too much heat. Are you leaving the paste

Rectangular uBGAs with 1 raised edge after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 08:37:47 EDT 2001 | jbieber

Gregory, I think that the profile is too radical, i.e. zone 6 to zone 7 temperatures are too far apart. I would guess that the solderjoints have not all reached 183C in zone 6 which is why the uBGA's do not have a symmetrical ball collapse. You may

Re: Top Side BGA Reflowing @ Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 11:13:32 EDT 1999 | Wirat S.

| | | We've recently encountered this problem where one of our .050" pitch BGA's were reflowing at the wave thus causing shorts... The board was profiled with probes stuck to a QFP solder joint, an 0603, and one of the BGA joints. There was an almo


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