Electronics Forum: clean room operation (Page 1 of 83)

clean rooms/ wire bonding

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 21:37:42 EST 2005 | ABHI

It depends on your product requirements. I have seen aluminium wire bonding operations in as high as class 100K clean rooms. These are the assembly areas for calculators. The best is class 10K clean room for wire bonding. You can go upto fine pitch w

Clean room standards

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 21:44:46 EST 2015 | abhilash4788

Thankyou Davef, Is there any IPC standards related to(Calls) these ISO 14698,14644 standards.

Clean room standards

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 11:01:31 EST 2015 | davef

Federal Standard 209E

Clean room standards

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 15:37:49 EST 2015 | davef

Primary ISO clean room standards are: * ISO 14644 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments * ISO 14698 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- Biocontamination control An introduction to ISO 14644 Cleanrooms and Associated Co

SMT room environment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 16:01:20 EST 2017 | davef

A review document for J-STD-001F with Amendment 1 had the following wording, but you should check the actual document to be sure of correctness 4.2 Facilities Cleanliness and ambient environments in all work areas shall [D1D2D3] be maintained at le

room for SMT

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 28 08:15:50 EST 2004 | davef

J-STD-001 has what you need. 3.6 Facilities ......................... 4 3.6.1 Environmental Controls ........... 4 3.6.2 Temperature and Humidity ......... 4 3.6.3 Lighting ......................... 4 3.6.4 Field Assembly Operations ........ 4 3.6.5

Clean room standards

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 01:14:23 EST 2015 | abhilash4788

Anybody can tell me,In which standard(IPC or Any other Quality stds) the dust level maintained in the production line is mentioned. One of our customer has raised this question.

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 10:12:32 EST 2007 | slthomas

The use of booties isn't required per se, just considered a standard step necessary to reach the 10,000 target. You also need to vacuum (central vac system, NOT exhausting into the room) daily, mop weekly, have a one piece floor, blah, blah, blah....

Solder paste to room temperature.

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 07:37:48 EDT 2005 | mirrindolan

I am looking for all the reasons why operators and stores must let solder paste reach room temperature. I am trying to make it is as easy as possible for everyone to understand. I have compiled all the obvious reasons but I am open to all comments an

Solder paste to room temperature.

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 09:09:28 EDT 2005 | russ

Here is one reason- It eliminates the viscosity change during printing operation from the paste warming up and getting thinner. I would contact your paste supplier and have them give you the full list.

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