Electronics Forum: convert files to tpsys (Page 1 of 7)

convert CAD files to TPSys format

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 18:44:27 EDT 2011 | emrtech

would anyone be able to help and provide the macros for convert CAD files to TPSys format?

convert CAD files to TPSys format

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 15:29:45 EDT 2011 | rkondner

Hi, I am an EE/Programmer with a LOT of code for converting CAD files to MyData formats. I have existing code to generate Packages, Components, Trays, Board, Tray Type and Feeder files. There are a lot of CAD file formats out there, what do you n

Convert CAD files to TPSys

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 18:46:52 EDT 2011 | emrtech

would anyone be able to help and provide the macros for convert CAD files to TPSys format?

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 24 21:15:32 EST 2014 | hhat

Hi all, It is a big trouble for me does anyone know if there are any fast way to convert Eagle Cad .brd pcb files to Gerber pcb files?

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 25 02:00:55 EST 2014 | alexeis

Hi, Can you tell why you need this operation? Best Regards, Alexei

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 15:33:57 EST 2014 | comatose

Inside Eagle, File... Cam Processor...File... Open... Job... Gerb274x.cam then click Process Job. You can do it with the free version.

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 02:52:35 EST 2014 | hhat

Hi Alexei, Many time I send my eagle files to manufacture, but always was told to generate it into Gerber files.

How to convert eagle files to gerber files

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 03:12:08 EST 2014 | alexeis

Hi, I suggest you contact your subcontractor and offer him to test software solutions that work with these files and improve the processes. Gerber files is to use a very old method. One of the companies that make advanced solutions is Proventus Tec

Convert CAD files to TPSys

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 20:23:57 EDT 2011 | sarason

My shareware program will generate a TPSys program from a Protel file, any thing from Autotrax to Altium Designer. You can download it from http://users.tpg.com.au/sarason/index.html The TPSys option is entered on the second tab dialog "Option" un

Does anyone know a free Download to take Gerber files and convert to DXF files?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 08:12:46 EST 2019 | babe7362000

Does anyone know a free Download to convert Gerbers into DXF files? Thanks for any input

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