Electronics Forum: creep test (Page 1 of 2)

International certification programme for lead-free product test

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 09:36:05 EST 2004 | davef

Unfortunately, IPC-D-279, IPC-TM-650, IPC-TR-464, and MIL-STD-810 will not answer your questions, because they do NOT address LF-solders. Even the tests in IPC-9701 need to be modified for LF-solders, because: * LF-solder has different creep behavior

Re: Lead-Free Formulation Selection

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 16:42:52 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

Here are the details for the OU Lead-Free Project Introduction The Open University Solder Research Group aims to facilitate the implementation of lead-free solders by evaluating their mechanical properties, especially those which are influential to

Lead Free Immersion SIlver PCB-->Creeping Corrosion

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 12:03:52 EDT 2009 | Sean

Hi All, I have few questions about creeping corrosion that potentially happen on lead free immersion silver PCB as below: 1) What test that we can conducted to verify whether the failure we seen is due to creeping corrosion? 2) I heard that lead fr

Soldermask - sulfur presence

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 25 03:52:24 EDT 2012 | awtm

Our Customer had detected tarnished pad on ImAg PCBA and had conducted several SEM-EDX test at the soldermask below some of the chip resistors. High concentration of sulfur was found and it can be significantly reduced after further chemical cleaned

Immersion silver leaching.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 09:23:20 EDT 2004 | davef

In addition to your concerns about leaching, why aren't you concerned about: * Tin whiskers * Total absence of in use reliability information about no-lead, especially given that creep is significantly different between SnPb and no-leads. While they

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 28 08:37:52 EDT 2007 | davef

There is no good choice. Board Finishes: Industrial/Battelle Class 3 Environment [Reliability Knowledge Gaps: For use of Pb-free solders in High Reliability Applications, J Smetana, iNEMI Availability of SnPb-Compatible BGAs Workshop, March 1, 2007,

Solder Joint Strength

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 16:41:42 EDT 2001 | davef

Very few concern themselves about the strength of solder connections, because it doesn�t require much strength to keep a solder connection attached to the board. More important are factors that arise as a result of the different materials properties

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 21:45:49 EDT 2004 | KEN

I have experienced this directly in SMT and wave solder. Fillet lift (can) be a direct indicator to lead enrichment (but its not the exclusive symptom). Lead enrichment in smt joints reduces the interfacial strength shortening the time to creep f

Lead Free Solder Reliability Issues in Military and Aerospace

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 15:55:31 EST 2005 | davef

There is: * NO information to indicate leadfree solder is at all reliable regardless of class of operation. * NO material model for leadfree solder, whereas the model for lead solder was developed over many years back during a time when companies be

BGA chip corner epoxy / adhesive?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 19:54:55 EST 2006 | davef

We agree with "guest" above. This a "chip bonder" type material used to improve the reliability of array type devices. "A relative comparison of the N50 values is given below: No underfill = 1.0X (baseline) Corner bond = 1.3X Non reworkable underfi

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