Electronics Forum: dek board stop not retracted (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 20:32:22 EDT 2016 | sonavc

Hi, I have DEK 265GSX. Just got error message " BOARD STOP NOT RETRACTED" Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 00:19:52 EDT 2016 | ttheis

I'm not personally familiar with the 265 but it sounds like the machine's board stop actuator is not retracting or a sensor that detects that actuator position is stuck (probably a reed switch.) If your stop is not retracted, then the sensor is telli


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 22:35:01 EDT 2016 | dekhead

Pneumatic failure is a good guess, as GSX/LT are renowned for their leaky airlines. However on this I would doubt, since the Board stop is a single throw pneumatic with a spring to retract. The return spring broken / disconnected is certainly a possi

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 09:58:05 EDT 2011 | davef

Pressure printing systems Conventional stencil printing techniques have fundamental limitations as regards paste handling: The volume of paste available for printing is limited, so frequent replenishment is necessary Paste is difficult to c


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