Electronics Forum: dek stencil offset (Page 1 of 51)

dek horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 14:19:14 EDT 2015 | dekhead

Offsets are there to for an alignment change over the entire board... alignment weighting is, essentially to account for imperfect match between stencil and board, and will allow you to concentrate best alignment to a given portion of the board (give

DEK Screen printer calibration - print offset issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:54:48 EDT 2017 | emeto

If you use the calibration plate and stencil, that should fix the problem. I think that you are not saving the result from the calibration test. Double check manuals and probably with DEK technician, but it sounds like you are missing a step.

dek horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:43:16 EDT 2015 | loganting

how helpful is it to use alignment weighting over fiducial offsets ?

dek horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 06:50:04 EDT 2015 | buckcho

Hello, can you explain better what do you want to check? Alignment is done based on fiducial check and then you can do some offsets, based on the print. So I am not sure what do you want to say...

DEK Screen printer calibration - print offset issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:02:03 EDT 2017 | Bestglobal SMT

We have a 2008 DEK horizon 03i this machine has been a very reliable system. we are having an issue with the print being offset in the x .2mm I have run 4 different boards - same issue on all. same offset. i can print the board 10 times over and

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 18:56:19 EST 2018 | dekhead

If always on... you will need to write product file as edge justified, and position stencil properly before auto-clamping takes place. If always off... you will need to write product file as center justified... and position stencil and acknowledge st

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 19:09:04 EST 2018 | dekhead

Island SMT showing in stock. http://islandsmt.com/product/front-and-back-stencil-sensor

dek 265 LT screen printer unable to detect the plate

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 09:10:11 EST 2018 | dekhead

Are you seeing the stencil operational (changing state) in diagnostics? If sensor works then, look at image justification in product file...

stencil ordering

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 25 14:46:50 EDT 2002 | russ

Leading edge, This is used to determine the orientation of the board as you want to run it. If you use center justified stencils this is usually not an issue since you can just turn the stencil any which way you want to. If you are using front/rear

step stencil

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 02:40:40 EST 2021 | victorzubashev

For components with the large pads, you can also use secondary soldering dispensing. Some printers like DEK have an option to mount a syringe with an auger valve to do dispensing after the printing step process. Obviously will not work if you have to

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