Electronics Forum: ekra x5 error in (Page 1 of 1)

EKRA E1 "Referencing in progress" too long

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 18:35:02 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

Press emergency button, release it and you will get an error report. Sometimes table motor doesn't work properly on my EKRA E5 and I see where to search if something not okay. Let me know your results.

EKRA E-1 "Referencing in progress" too long.

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 13 09:26:10 EST 2019 | bobpan

I think it has something to do with the communication between the 2 computers. Plug a monitor into the back computer rack and see if there is an error showing when its trying to boot up. Its been a long time....so dont quote me....ha

EKRA E-1 "Referencing in progress" too long.

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 15:46:28 EST 2019 | assuredtech

> I think it has something to do with the > communication between the 2 computers. Plug a > monitor into the back computer rack and see if > there is an error showing when its trying to boot > up. Its been a long time....so dont qu

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 01:30:02 EST 2017 | nikkilouie

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It > works fine when up being run constantly, but if > it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move > the Y table to the front of the machine it makes > a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catchin

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 12:14:25 EDT 2016 | strandy89

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It works fine when up being run constantly, but if it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move the Y table to the front of the machine it makes a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catching on somethi

Siemens SIPLACE HS-60 Errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 14:24:20 EST 2021 | dltechltd

Üdv! Köszönöm, már régen megoldódott! Ez a gép nem Hatvanból van, hanem a salzgitteri Boschból. Azóta volt még 1-2 probléma, de most kifogástalanul megy! Jelenleg az EKRA X5 tápegységével bajlódunk már közel 2 hónapja, mert menet közben elszállt.


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