Electronics Forum: gsm vision large components (Page 1 of 7)

DEK 265 vision alignment...

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 12:14:07 EST 2003 | gilligan

We use an EKRA E4 printer, but the concept sounds the same as far as the fiducial alignment goes. I have found that SOT-23 components work the best for fiducials - and I always make it a point to use them on our older PCB's (where the screens do not

CGA devices - placement and vision

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 27 12:43:43 EST 2001 | gsmguru

I've used an on-axis camera lighting for other components with a good deal of success. (But not for CGA's in particular) I would think it should work pretty well for a CGA application. I've done some pretty odd looking parts with this type of lightin

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 13 12:39:25 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

Ahh, yes. Just about the same time you replied someone else I asked said the same thing! I didn't realize that you had to put the part on by hand for the vision test. In the book it says to leave the feeder position set to the default setting. Fu

Topaz X large component sequencer pick causes outside soft limit error

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 20:52:26 EDT 2015 | arbpkevin

I have been using my topaz X for about 4 years now and I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable about it, at least the functions of it that I use... I am trying to use the LCS to place some qfp chips on a new product and I have set the whole thing up t

Lead free component VS vision on Mydata MY12

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 12:06:33 EST 2005 | Rob

I don't want to throw a spanner in the works here, but a large proportion of chip resistors & capacitors have been ROHS compliant for a couple of years now, the manufacturers have just not declaired it. Could it be that the part you have just has

Anyone Place TH components with a Universal Platform machine? GSM, Advantis, Genesis?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 14:09:06 EDT 2017 | ilavu

Make sure that you have some feature on the part to get orientation check. We tried long time ago and it did work on GSM with 4 spindle. For us, setup the vision system was the challenge for correct rotation using vib feeder.

GSM / universal genesis programming components that hang over the edges of the PCB (connectors)

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 13:48:30 EDT 2022 | proceng1

Well, I'm not sure about the "Trust me" button. I assume you can't tell it the part is smaller than it is because then vision won't accept it. I often add 10mm or so in X direction. In fact, when I measure the board, I just round the X up, becaus

Need opinions on equipment for picking and placing truly odd types of components

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 10:16:05 EDT 2013 | bocci572

Yes the components are flat and no larger than 50mm in size. Most are full rings or just an arc of a ring. I understand fully the best way to have the capabilities proven would be to have the vendor demonstrate. I am kind of looking at what people

Can local fiducials improve BGA placement?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 07:11:41 EDT 2001 | stefwitt

8" ). For calculation of the theta angle, the global fiducials should be placed over the diagonal. Component recognition can be improved if your vision system has different light zones. The steep light should be turned off and the flat light turned

GSM 2 image not appearing on cameras

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 01 10:45:54 EST 2013 | jaimebc

We currently have a problem with our Universal GSM 2. A part ins presented to the front or back camera but there is no image of the component. Just a dark screen, even though the light system is working. Any ideas on what the problem may be? I suspec

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gsm vision large components searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation
ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.


3 Morse Road 2A
Oxford, CT USA

Phone: +1 203 592 8723

Encapsulation Dispensing, Dam and Fill, Glob Top, CSOB

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

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SMT feeders

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