Electronics Forum: hair (Page 1 of 16)

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 17:28:52 EDT 2012 | isd_jwendell

If the goal is to get employees to pull back their hair, I would use the "one hair can contaminate the process..." argument instead of potential ESD danger. Then offer them a choice, either pull back your hair or get a hair net (or hair bag). I don't

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 19:38:53 EDT 2012 | kahrpr

You should be more concerned about hair color and ESD not the length.

Hair Line Solder Short at PTH Connector

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 21:47:32 EDT 2005 | Dhanish

In production,we are seeing high defect for Hair Line Solder Shorts for PTH connector and the Hair Line is too tiny that X-Ray and ICT could not detect.Any suggestion on how we can resolve or at least detect this upfront.

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 20:07:40 EDT 2012 | guyramsey

If hair were not charged (and discharged) through the body, please explain the reason for hair standing on end when one places ones hand on an ES source. What is your control level?

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 23:38:50 EDT 2012 | isd_jwendell

I would worry more about a hair falling out and getting into the process. Longer hairs effect more parts/area.

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 16:03:23 EDT 2012 | davef

So, someone walks into the work area from outside [or where ever]. Presumably, there is a measurable charge on their hair. After they sit at his / her work station and strapup, is there still a charge on their hair? ... I don't know, but it wouldn't

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 13:26:40 EDT 2012 | joeherz

Appreciate all the replies. We have a good system in place with ESD tile floor, grounded systems/benches/etc and heel and wrist strap usage and monitoring. Good training program as well. We've recently upgraded to the 2007 version of the ANSI 20.2

ESD Protection - Hair

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 01 20:39:30 EDT 2012 | rway

My statement about clothing was to make a point regarding hair. If you consider hair as holding a charge, than you must regard clothing in the same light. I'm not sure what your point is regarding cotton clothing in assembly. I would guess wearing

Smurf Coats

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 10:27:23 EST 2001 | genny

Yeah, we do have wrist straps, heel straps, ESD wax, and grounded ESD mats on all work benches. One guy with long fly-away hair was actually told to wear his hair pinned back as well - so started to wear a ball cap... Genny.

Hair Line Solder Short at PTH Connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 15 09:10:09 EDT 2005 | Dhanish

The biggest problem I am having is the X-Ray and ICT could not detect this shorts.ICT could not detect because onboard measurement shows Zero even without the Hair line shorts.With Hairline there is no difference in the impedance value for ICT to fai

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