Electronics Forum: how to correct low vacuum error (Page 1 of 2)

How to run SMT production with low defects

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 17 03:39:13 EDT 2002 | shrikant_borkar

Monitor daily Machine MIS data for parts rejection ofcourse your weekly/monthly preventive maintenance must be regular. following steps- will be helful 1. qulaity output from machine by taking immidiate action over online detected faults. concentrat

How to run SMT production with low defects

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 15:44:46 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

You can't control what you don't measure. You have provided very little detail other than post reflow costs are high. What defects are attributed to problems experienced prior to reflow? Are these random or recurring defects? You will need to put ea

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 08:36:18 EDT 2019 | solderkingchris

Hi, You can work on improving stencil design, having the perfect profile and other process improvements but it may be the paste itself letting you down. We have put a lot of work into developing our solder pastes to significantly reduce voiding. Y

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 09:33:15 EDT 2019 | emeto

Contributors in order of importance: 1. PCB design - if you have large thermal pads, a grid of via holes should be created. Components with low profile will not let the gas to escape from the joint. The only way is going down. 2. Reduce paste volum

Warp PCBA- how to repair ** Question #2

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 21:44:07 EDT 2001 | davef

You�re correct. If you attach $5 to each board, your customer will be happy to approve your process change. Consider: �Process Improvement Strategies: Implementation Of A No-Clean Process" http://www.smta.org/knowledge/proceedings_abstract.cfm?PRO

How to reduce solder joint voids of LED without using vacuum reflow?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 11:45:32 EDT 2019 | slthomas

There are quite a few papers out there on the subject. Just enter "SMT void reduction" into google or other search engine and take your pick. That said, slow ramp rates and paste volume reduction are a good place to start. Although I haven't tried i

FUJI IP3 placing rotation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 15:32:53 EST 2024 | madisreivik

Indeed I found some vacuum problems, one replaced small hose was not fitted correctly. Lets see if that helps :) Great thanks ! Also, Travis, do you have any information how to adjust the milk-plexiglass slitted covers on line scan cameras ?

BTU VIP98 Oven refuses to start

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 04:49:51 EST 2007 | geb

Thanks, Chunks. Your first post was correct, it turned out to be the battery. That is that problem solved. Unfortunately I have now got an error message saying Flux Management Failure. Is this just a coincidence? It sounds like something to do with t

How to identify quality IC Shipping Tube

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 00:08:00 EDT 2019 | jamestong

With the increase of labor costs, the popularity of automated production lines, IC tubes, connector tubes, power module tubes, LED tubes, relay tubes and other electronic components tubes are also becoming more widely used. Many small companies blind

85K grant. How best to use?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 15:39:04 EDT 2016 | spoiltforchoice

It seems a remarkable coup to have been awarded a grant without already having specified exactly why you want it, what you are going to spend it on and how it will benefit your business and the local area. I had an email about the Fox just the other

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