Electronics Forum: how to get to mecha-check (Page 1 of 22)

Time to get out

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 18:48:15 EST 2002 | djarvis

Ummmm, from my view, You get to play with some cool gear. You get the high of "giving birth" when a new job roles out of the oven. (OK Ladies, don't howl me down - I know it's a lot less physically painful). You get that lovely look of comprehensi

How do you get to the archives?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 21:44:08 EDT 2002 | davef

Just use the 'Search SMTnet' entry box in the upper right portion of the screen.

How to get away jointing problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 05 01:23:36 EDT 2005 | iwan

Seems what russ told me is make a sense, I will try to get a good connector or at least try daves recommendation if there is no changes. Thanks guys

How to get away jointing problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 08:01:49 EDT 2005 | davef

Can you run one thermal cycle to attach the BGA and then a different thermal cycle to attach the connector?

How do you get to the archives?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:04:07 EDT 2002 | pzohbon

What menus do you go into to find the archives? I cannot seem to find them anywhere. Thanks

How to get away jointing problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 09:35:16 EDT 2005 | russ

What are the max temp specs for each of the components? this sounds like the real problem with lead free conversion. Which parts are which? Currently we are getting ready to reball lead free BGAs back to lead for a customer that had to be lead free

How to get away jointing problem

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 03 03:48:05 EDT 2005 | iwan

I have a problem in my Lead Free smt production line,i run BGA product for the first time. The product consist BGA and Connectors. If i increase temperature in Reflow Oven it will be melting the Connector, but when i decrease the temp. BGA become raw

how to learn PCB design

Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 03:34:13 EDT 2017 | sm2345110

visit the CETPA and get the PCB Training. for more details visit the website :- http://www.cetpainfotech.com/technology/pcb-and-circuit-design

how to measure Adhesive strength

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 08:04:32 EDT 2009 | rwyman

higher temp/shorter time). Solder mask may be a factor as well. I've seen parts get knocked off where the glue is still affixed to the part, along with a nice piece of solder mask from the board. If you can knock a part off with casual contact, th

Attrition... how to measure it?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 20 12:46:21 EST 2012 | deanm

If 3-5% of the attempted parts placed are dropped, you have a serious problem...that's 1 part dropped for every 20 or 30 placements. Does it mean that it drops the part in the scrap bin and then successfully places the same part or would the board co

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