Electronics Forum: international 2d-solder recovery system (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Saver ??

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 20:02:38 EDT 2006 | evsint

Why don't you guys look at the "WORLD LEADERS IN SOLDER RECOVERY". EVS International make the EVS 3000 and EVS 6000 Solder Recovery Systems. Many other companies have tried to come up with different ways of recovering solder but the EVS is the best

Re: Dross Skimmin'

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 14:33:02 EST 1998 | Dave F

1. What is your minimum dross generated that triggers you to procure an SRS? Your finance department probably has guidelines for the pay back of capital investments. Some companies use period of time to break-even. Others use a net present value


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