Electronics Forum: manual sm421 (Page 1 of 1)

SMT line design_suggestion please

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 23:35:45 EDT 2010 | iwan

Dear WRS consideration for buying SMT equipment is likely you buy a vehicle, you must consider many things, after sales services, machine easy to do model change, accuracy,cheap, mostly machine use in your region. etc. I also run production for LCD

Problem with Vibration Feeder

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 07 14:37:50 EDT 2011 | franxsmt

Hi every body, Recently I got a vibration feeder for my SM421 Samsung machine. The feeder has no manual and I don't have any contact with Samsung people. I put the feeder into a feeder slot, the feeder goes on (a red lamp on the feeder indicates it

Skew error at axis G1F-Y

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 05:44:39 EDT 2022 | spacecase

Hello all, I was looking at a Samsung SM421-f component placing machine and it's throwing up an error that was not described in the troubleshooting guide. Anytime I try to move the camera or home it the machine stops and the screen says that a skew e


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