Electronics Forum: micro bga printing (Page 1 of 85)

MicroBGA printing problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 14:53:24 EDT 1999 | Doug

I've had some trouble pasting a test board for a MicroBGA trial. Most of the paste remains in the stencil apertures. The stencil is 6 mil thick, laser cut and electo-polished. The apertures are 12 mil in diameter with 20 mil pitch. We are using Alpha

Re: bga

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 13:26:43 EDT 1999 | The Guc

| | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These machine

Re: MicroBGA printing problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 13:43:33 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| I've had some trouble pasting a test board for a MicroBGA trial. Most of the paste remains in the stencil apertures. | The stencil is 6 mil thick, laser cut and electo-polished. | The apertures are 12 mil in diameter with 20 mil pitch. | We are usi

Re: MicroBGA printing problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 11:28:26 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I've had some trouble pasting a test board for a MicroBGA trial. Most of the paste remains in the stencil apertures. | The stencil is 6 mil thick, laser cut and electo-polished. | The apertures are 12 mil in diameter with 20 mil pitch. | We are usi

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 20:09:49 EST 2010 | davef

Woody: Consider using test BGA with no chip in, but daisy chains that you can monitor. After soldering, run environmental tests and follow with electrical tests to determine if the product concept is good enough.

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 09:03:49 EST 2010 | woodsmt

Looking for methods for detecting BGA microcracks without cross sectioning. Currently evaluating a new package and will be putting together a thermal stress eval. We would like to perform intermediate inspections for cracks. Once all cycles are don

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 14:32:01 EST 2010 | davef

We believe that neither xray nor SAM will provide satisfactory results and that sectioning throughout the process will provide conclusive information.

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 16:11:10 EST 2010 | glennster

Dave, I agree totally, but dye-and-pry should also be part of the evaluation. Glenn Robertson Process Sciences Inc

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 17:11:34 EST 2010 | woodsmt

Thanks Dave and Glenn, I have setteled on Dye for the destuctive checks, and was thinking about impedence testing at intervals during ESS. Based on the research I have been doing the last several days, this seems like a method that should identify

detecting BGA micro cracks

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 23:44:31 EST 2010 | glennster

Woody, Daisy chain packages are definitely needed, but if you can get packages with a dummy chip inside these will provide a more accurate simulation of working components. If possible, continuous monitoring of resistance during the test will be

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