Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 08:48:03 EDT 2007 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, Drop some lines to Speed Line technical support (http://www.speedlinetech.com/). I guess they know all their default passwords. BR, Pavel
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 10:10:56 EDT 2007 | swag
You might try: User (no password) Super "ADMIN" Maint "SVC" F.S. "QMPM" Not sure if these are default but worth a try.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 12:25:02 EDT 2006 | vikkaraja
and type the following: optedt and press enter.Password for this is QMPM. Good luck and keep us posted.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 08:38:41 EDT 2007 | babe7362000
I need the passwords to mpm Up2500 Stencil printer. I have the supervisor one, but my coworker took the rest with him when he left. If anyone could give me the default ones, that would be great. I am trying to get everything done before vacation t
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 10:22:28 EDT 2006 | PWH
I've done this stuff on UP3000's and AP's so hopefully my advice will help with your 2000... You can get into all upper level user modes, correct? You don't mention test, cal. or field service mode. If you can't get into those, I can send you a pr
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 09 21:44:07 EDT 2005 | Marcel
Go in dos, go in the CONFIG dir. Edit the file ACCES.000 Yours passwords are there. You can delete the file and reboot, that will reset all passwords to factory default Operator MPM1 Maintenance MPM2 Supervisor MPM3 Calibrate MPM4 M
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 12:52:41 EDT 2005 | paulhaines2000
Try this - it's for a UP3000 but might work for you... Operator � no password Supervisor � mpm2 Maintenance � mpm3 Manufacturing � mpm4 Field Service � mpm4 1. To change or view codes, �esc� from program and go into DOS. 2. Type �cd\ULTRA\CONFIG�
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 11:38:26 EDT 2005 | jh0n!
Thanks a MILLION. -john.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 14:43:50 EDT 2005 | Cmiller
Does anyone know a master password or a file to delete or modify in DOS to reset the passwords for this printer? HELP!!!!!!