Electronics Forum: mydata my100 dxe-14 (Page 1 of 4)

Mydata M100 Series ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 12:01:19 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

Is there anyone out there using the new Mydata MY100 series machines ? We are looking into a MY100DX-12 or a MY100DX-14 machine. I am interested in all comments...good..bad... Thanks in advance.


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 15:44:16 EDT 2022 | smtusa

What about MY100? Its based on the same high speed hydra head just two of them. Do you not recommend those as well? Originally, I was looking at a MY9 before spending on a MY100dx. Certain things mydata do make it attractive but im a low mix, high

Mydata My100 or Siemens D1?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 00:56:38 EST 2010 | sparrow

Hello, Mydata p&p machines are built for high mixed and low/mid volume production, so if you talk about very low volume - no doubt, mydata is what you can use. You can consider 2 models for your application - MY100SX or MY100LX, depending on the min

Mydata My100 or Siemens D1?

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 20:11:45 EST 2010 | wmeliane

Hi I would like to get feedback on which of the following 2 machines to buy: -option 1: My100 with single Midas head -option 2: D1S with single P&P head I have experience with the Siemens D series. However I have no real experience with Mydata... Is

Mydata My100 or Siemens D1?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 01:24:27 EST 2010 | sparrow

If the bumps are so small, I do not see any reason for considering Mydata, Siemens or any SMT p&p machine. Datacon's die bonders are very good ones. In your case, I would keep using them.

program that converts the CAD data to MyData file format

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 18 19:37:54 EDT 2013 | emrtech

I have created a program that converts the CAD data to MyData file format that has been working great for me on the my9 and my100 pick and place machines. if interested email me at luie1_1@yahoo.com


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 12:36:18 EST 2015 | Svajunas Astrauskas

Our company have Mydata MY100DX mashine. When assembling project it lags. Assembling - several seconds thinking (sometimes till 10secons) - assembling and this problem repeats all time. When button is pushed it sometimes reacts only after 1-10 secon

Mydata and a Hover-Davis Label Feeder help

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 11:12:43 EDT 2015 | quaker332007

We have a mydata MY100DX and A Hover-Davis label feeder. I'm have issues picking up the label. The machine will place it fine for a few then stop and refuse to pick up the label. Is anyone using this configuration and if so do you have and points

Programming Mydata

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 19:48:10 EST 2011 | emrtech

I have created an excel macro that will work with my100 and my9. this macro (excel spreadsheet will work with excel 97 through 2007) will generate the PCB .gen file to import into my9 or my100. the components can also be imported before generating th

Mydata My100 or Siemens D1?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 01:05:43 EST 2010 | wmeliane

Thanks for feedback. We already have 2 Datacon machines as we are mostly building microelectronics modules. The FC dies are pretty small and light. Bumps are

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