Electronics Forum: pizza cutter v-score (Page 1 of 6)

X7R woes

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 27 19:15:02 EST 2005 | PWH

Agree with Cmiller. We had a similar prob. with some caps. on a v-scored array. We bought a pizza cutter depaneliser and the problem reduced. It's a "FKN Systek" if you want to look at models.

X7R woes

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 05:11:58 EST 2006 | dougs

I've seen cracked caps due to de-panelling on caps 40mm in from a board edge, if the cap lies on a stress line it can be cracked quite far in, i'd go with the other replies and make sure you use a "pizza cutter" type de-panelling machine for v-scored

PCB v-score depaneling question

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 08:55:35 EST 2017 | capse

I represent Fancort Industries. We provide "pizza cutter" and horizontal opposing blade "guillotine" style v-score depanel equipment. The edge clearance requirements are 0.030" - 0.050" for the wheel cutter and down to 0.020" for the opposing blade e

Solder Ball Dispersion Test (String Solder)

Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 16:19:52 EDT 2018 | solderingpro

meaning its non-eutectic. You would want to stay as close to 350°C as possible or (if a slightly off version of SAC305) target the highest melting point of your chemistry) - assuming your temp controller is properly calibrated that is. Other option

Stress induced during V-score depaneling

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 17:21:46 EDT 2011 | isd_jwendell

I use a pizza cutter with parts closer than that, but they are small-ish (

Mechanical Delamination at de-panel

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 10:28:09 EDT 2014 | swag

Incoming inspection: Look for flaws and measure position of v-score as well as depth. If v-scored on both sides of panel, make sure v-scores are in alignment. Follow the PCB thru all processes inspecting after each stage of processing, especially

Automated Depanel - Tabs or Scores?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 11:49:25 EST 2020 | SMTA-Tom

Tabs are generally faster to cut through vs a v-scored board. Cutting the V-scored boards with a saw is an option but it is not faster...it just decreases the potential damage that can happen when using a pizza cutter. Preferred method would be to us

V-score cracking components

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 14:27:25 EST 2005 | Samir Nagheenanajar

We used to affectionately nickname our "roll blade" equipment.... A very technical term.... THE PIZZA CUTTER!

Trace Distance to Board Edge

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 11:08:23 EDT 2007 | swag

I have a new contract with boards that have straight edges and are good for v-score breakout panel design. However, many of the traces are very close to the edge of the board so I am concerned that the traces could be damaged when we run them throug

Depanalization of CEM-1

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 16:38:00 EST 2018 | cbart

i have seen that happen when the wrong process was utilized! your boards looked like they were v-scored and someone broke them apart, proper method would be to use a scoring separation machine.. pizza cutter. this would prevent this. its not a good i

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