Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 10:32:57 EST 2016 | frankwijers
Hello Everybody, does anybody know if there are 64 bits drivers available for the HD POD600 series? We are currently replacing our systems, and we need these drivers. Download link preferrable.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 09:27:57 EDT 2013 | chris_flex
We are using some Hover Davis POD 600 at our site for label-placement. Since the feeder is no longer produced by hover davis , it`s always harder to get spares for those label-feeders. The supplier for this feeder-type in europe was pb-tec in germany
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 12:24:21 EDT 2006 | Earl Moon
I'm kind of a big deal in these circles. Call POD. We'll come to your rescue.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 24 03:13:31 EDT 2004 | kent_peterson
SMTRESEARCH.com has an excellent machine POD. I have yet to get a demo on it but the litature looks great that they sent me. We are using fujis DT651 which is good a machine. It isn't as user friendly to decipher the results for machine faults as th
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 29 11:24:39 EDT 2000 | Earl Moon
Steve, Didn't get it. Send only to pod@ix.netcom.com and please include your real email address for reasons previously stated and obvious to all. Look forward to talking with you about a very interesting and important subject. Enjoy, Earl
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 11:04:12 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
To those interested, I have had to change back to my long distance ISP address because my local affiliate has problems. My new address is pod@ix.netcom.com (again) while in Michigan and my phone number remains 734-654-0981 Thanks, Earl Moon
Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 09:09:50 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| We are just starting out with SMT. I need any and all the information you have. We are looking to start a small to mid range line. I provide consultation for these requirements. Please contact if interested. Sincerely, Earl Moon pod@ix.netcom.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 21:10:49 EDT 2003 | davef
Contact: Earl Moon Proof Of Design Work: 512-933-5783 E-Mail: pod@ix.netcom.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:09:46 EST 2005 | moonshine
I concur with other advice. Visit http://www.moonmanondarkside.com for much more information and free operational procedures, from the POD ftp site, for this venerable machine. MoonMan
Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 14:09:52 EDT 2007 | brown606
Just wondering if anyone had any first-hand knowledge on Hover Davis' POD feeder? We are currently using their standard label feeders with good success. We are interfacing with Siplace. Thanks in advance. Josh