Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 14:58:43 EDT 2009 | jgorajia
The challenge you will have with ProWorks is it doesn't understand electronics. To create a dynamic legend (parts list) based on ODB++ or CAD import probably won't be easily created. Understanding components and seeing the CAD data related and sort
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 00:20:22 EST 2016 | jlawson
Program conversion bewteen the two can be done , with a custom program. Issue is at what value as most simple conversions will be file based - and placement level NC data only. Part Shapes are where all the work is and if you want to convert part l
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 13:33:01 EDT 2007 | john_smith
We have Siemens Siplace Pro software for our Siemens equipment that allows you to overlay the solder layer against the placement data to verify placement,part rotation and part size are correct.Since we have been using this software we have not neede
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