Electronics Forum: pump speed (Page 1 of 9)

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 09:03:52 EDT 2008 | bing007

I have been confronted with a MPM with a rheometric pump head on and have not had much to do with these. It is giving varying results on the down line paste AOI and is not responding very much to changes in pressure, speed etc. It is a 16inch pump, w

Rheometric pump head on MPM HiE

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 04:25:14 EDT 2008 | muarty

One thing that has to be considered when using rheometric pumps is that the board support should match as that of the pump head being used. You can print 6" boards, but you should really still use board supports upto 16". As mentioned previously if t

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 14:27:16 EDT 2010 | davef

Ralph Woodgate says that pump speed is the biggest driver to dross production

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 24 08:37:07 EDT 2010 | sudhir14

HI, Can pl. provide the some detail on recomanded pump speed

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:54:59 EDT 2010 | baildl632

What type of wave machine? Does your machine have a pump speed dial? Does your machine have the ability to raise and lower the pot? Raise pot to as close as possible to the pallets/boards and make sure they can pass over the nozzle without hanging o

Re: Quantity of dross and type of flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 22:01:07 EST 2000 | Dave F

I'd love to get to the point that I could discuss the impact of flux on dross formation. Until then, I fight with proper solder pot temperature, maintaining enough pump speed, and solder contaminants.

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 10:29:49 EDT 2010 | davef

Set pump speed so that the board is 1/3 to 1/2 immersed as it goes through the wave.

Waves soldering: not enough solder remaining on pads

Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 03:40:20 EDT 2017 | bukas

the problem I had with pump was that turbine intake was eached by alloy. when I repaired intake, it was a irregular hole about 32mm in diameter, mechanics welded piece of plate with a 24mm hole (that was a factory size) we had to reduce pump speed fr

OT: Wavesolder Process Engineer Needed

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 16:11:58 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

Pat, Try to run a glass plate (yeah I've used these before too), keep your wave pump speed the same, and slow down your conveyor speed. You will find the actual contact between molten solder and the 0.5" grids to be LESS vs. a faster conveyor speed

Waves soldering: not enough solder remaining on pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 05 18:50:10 EDT 2017 | caurbach

Hi Zac, My 2 cents: We had similar problems on a board in the same situation (tin-lead HASL, very long leads, low pot height, high pump RPM). Trimming the leads shorter, moving the pot closer to the board, and dropping the pump speed down to sane

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