Electronics Forum: replacement (Page 1 of 260)

Squeegee replacement

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 09:57:51 EST 2008 | razor1491

What is recommended for Squeegee replacement besides visual. Is it some many squeegee strokes?

Squeegee replacement

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 13:38:23 EST 2008 | cyber_wolf

When it quits printing correctly.... replace it. No, it is not after a certain number of squeegee strokes. The only way that could possibly be calculated is if your squeegee blade parameters never varied.

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 13:02:10 EST 2007 | shap

We are looking at replacing our aging 4790 for something. We are replacing our GSM1 with an Advantis. We are a prototype shop and do runs of 5 to 30 normally and once in a while a run of 300. So we are looking for flexibility and ease of set up.

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 25 11:57:23 EST 2007 | Cmiller

Sorry, take the last period off the web address or you get some HVAC place.

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 03 08:05:51 EST 2007 | mika

Concider also the costs of all new feeders you need, which is by any means necessary! /

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 16:13:25 EST 2007 | SWAG

NPI software from Universal is awesome for the small proto builds you are doing. Very few wasted parts - teach vision recognition on the run.

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 26 14:35:58 EST 2007 | scotceltic

If you are already purchasing an Advantis your best bet for ease of programming would be sticking with another Universal product. Genesis, Advantis are all good choices.

Squeegee replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 08:47:10 EST 2008 | cokedigits

QEs. You gotta love them. They live in a fantasy world of charts, graphs, and meaningless statistics. In most companies, they're part of the problem....and not the solution.

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 15:22:26 EST 2007 | vickt

Rip, When you say you are looking at Universal, I assume you mean the AdVantis AC-30L? Why go with another aging chipshooter like the 4796 or CP6, when the AC-30L can supply higher throughput, similar # of feeder inputs, larger component range,

4790 replacement

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 14:56:57 EST 2007 | Wagoner

Mimot is another machine that is well suited for prototype runs. It's slower than a chip shooter and it is really a flex placer. You can keep a lot of fixed feeders and it is pretty easy to set up. Operator interface is excellent and programming i

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