Electronics Forum: siemens 12mm /24mm/44mm/56mm used feeder (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Splicing tape for 8,12, and 16mm component tapes

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 19:53:01 EDT 1998 | Joe Herz

| The Tesa company delivers Splice Tape for 8mm, | 12mm and 16mm. Also special splice tape for 8mm | paper tape and some splice tools as well. | Siemens uses for large tape a 'staple' but might | be patented and then cannot be used outside Siemens.

Re: Splicing tape for 8,12, and 16mm component tapes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 05 08:38:22 EDT 1998 | Eric Klaver

The Tesa company delivers Splice Tape for 8mm, 12mm and 16mm. Also special splice tape for 8mm paper tape and some splice tools as well. Siemens uses for large tape a 'staple' but might be patented and then cannot be used outside Siemens. (Staples

Re: Splicing tape for 8,12, and 16mm component tapes

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 22:19:31 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| | The Tesa company delivers Splice Tape for 8mm, | | 12mm and 16mm. Also special splice tape for 8mm | | paper tape and some splice tools as well. | | Siemens uses for large tape a 'staple' but might | | be patented and then cannot be used outsid

Re: Universal GSM/Response No. 2

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 02 07:26:50 EDT 1998 | smd

I didn't use my real name because I don't want to get bombed with phone calls and emails. We are an OEM looking to put in a SMT line soon. Is this GSM a decent machine? How much does it cost? | | Also and info on decent screen printers and reflo


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