Electronics Forum: smart basket (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Squeegee cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 12:49:28 EST 2000 | Steve Thomas

That's how ours works...has a basket underneath the stencil hanger that we drop our squeegees into...it also handles misprints fairly well. It's a factory option for the SmartSonic.....dunno about other makes.

Stencil and board Ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 12:20:16 EST 2006 | cvoyles

Hi Bruno, I am an equipment reseller in business since 1994. I have a Smart Sonic MG3000 ultra sonic stencil cleaner in inventory. It is a stainless steel model with Delta Sonics brand ultra sonic generator. It is the guillotine type that raises a


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