Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 05:19:23 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork
dont usually see this unless the Rosin hasnt been hardened due to low reflow or excessive pressure on blades squeezing flux out so you have flux rich areas. Are these boards also flow soldered?
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 12:14:15 EDT 2006 | jdengler
At a previous job we had a kit to splice the belts. It was a clamping and squeeze device and a soldering iron with a flat blade. You would cut the ends for a suare edge, put the belt in the clamp unit with a small gap. Use the iron to melt both en
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 09 04:57:11 EDT 2003 | Matt Kehoe
Our company applies solid solder to surface mount lands. While processing a micro BGA design we had some pads fall off, peel, whatever you might call it, from the surface of the board when touched "GENTLY" with the tip of a blade to remove a small s
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 23:12:48 EDT 2021 | grahamcooper22
0.66 area aspect ratio...so for example...if the device is 0.5mm pitch QFP, the pcb pad may be 12 thou wide..make the aperture 9 to 10 thou wide...and reduce it's length by 10 % overall compared to the pcb pad.... Depending on device pitch, select ap
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:02:30 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall
| Dear sirs, | | If you have experienced Proflow of DEK screen printer, please let me know the details of it. | | Best regards, | | Jame Bond | | I have had Proflow for about 8 weeks now. I have had my fair share of problems with it. It does
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 08:25:26 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall
Listed below are the issues Viking has been experiencing since the | installation of the Proflow Head: | 1. After installing new 350mm Wiper foil with metal | strip glued on it, It worked for about a week and suddenly meta
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