Electronics Forum: temperatures (Page 1 of 343)

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 22:01:09 EST 2007 | davef

Joe: I know this is not the correct forum to post chip "reworking" questions. Reply: Rework questions are as appropriate as the next topic here on SMTnet J: BGA will not reflow at any normal temperature level. I believe these chips may have been gen

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 14 12:42:35 EST 2007 | SMTRework

I think the main cause of this condition is #3 because both #1 and #2 never change from board to board, these are identical boards with identical BGA revisions. These BGA's (as stated before) are about 3 years old.. I don't believe they are lead free

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 16:01:52 EST 2007 | russ

You using lead free BGAS now? What is your rework equipment and process? I am sure we can help you out here with some more detail, you should get the package data sheets for your problem BGAs and determine ball alloy or they may even be CCGA packag

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 14 12:48:53 EST 2007 | SMTRework

Also, I was beginning to think that the humidity level in the facility was a factor.. but I don't believe that's the case.. as this condition seems to occur regardless of the humidity level.. Equipment being used is as follows.. Metcal BGA 3500

Solder reflow temperatures too high

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 09:19:56 EST 2007 | SMTRework

I know this is not the correct forum to post chip "reworking" questions but you guys have been very helpful in the past. My question is this, when we rework BGA components most of the time the solder reflows at a normal temp and all is well. On occ

Vapor Pressure at lead free reflow temperatures

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 19:07:13 EDT 2006 | vlad_uk

With the added temperature peak associated to Lead free reflow is anyone seeing or concerned about the increased vapor pressure that may result from moisture entrapment in moisture sensitive components?

Pb alloy reflow temperatures and component integrity

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 14:59:55 EDT 2000 | Mike Naddra

What does the reflow profile look like , the question I had was surrounding the higher reflow temperature and the max temperature that lowest thermal mass components will see. Some other questions that I had were surrounding the components , what of

Vapor Pressure at lead free reflow temperatures

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 04:36:34 EDT 2006 | Rob

Yes, appropriate storage & component handling proceedures should be followed depending on the MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) class of the component. Some component suppliers are now marking the MSL class on the label, along with PBT (Peak Body

Re: Pb alloy reflow temperatures and component integrity

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 16:02:07 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee

If the thermal mass of the products is small, a tent-shaped profile is recommended, with peak temperature around 240C. The hottest spot on board should be less than 250C. However, if the thermal mass of the product is large, such as a large server PC


Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 09 17:41:45 EDT 2003 | davef

Welcome. You have selected a fascinating area to work. "What is delta temperature? Depends on what someone is talking about. Here's some possibilities: * In process equipment definition, the difference in temperature from one side of conveyor to

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