2 tpsys import pickn place file results

Electronics Forum: tpsys import pickn place file (Page 1 of 1)

How to import pick and place file (generated using Altium) from USB drive in to TPSYS?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 13:58:01 EDT 2014 | patel_daxa29

Hi All, I have generated Pick and place file from ALtium designer.I put it on flash drive and it is plugged in MY-DATA. How do i access this file in TPSYS. I will appreciate any insight. Thank You

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 11:29:25 EDT 2009 | KP

Thanks. Placing the .pcb file in the spool dir worked. What about the layout file? I can manually create one and import that through tpsys but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do that.


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