Technical Library: imc growth (Page 1 of 1)

Effect of Cu–Sn intermetallic Compound Reactions on the Kirkendall Void Growth Characteristics in Cu/Sn/Cu Microbumps

Technical Library | 2014-07-02 16:46:09.0

Growth behaviors of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) and Kirkendall voids in Cu/Sn/Cu microbump were systematically investigated by an in-situ scanning electron microscope observation. Cu–Sn IMC total thickness increased linearly with the square root of the annealing time for 600 h at 150°C, which could be separated as first and second IMC growth steps. Our results showed that the growth behavior of the first void matched the growth behavior of second Cu6Sn5, and that the growth behavior of the second void matched that of the second Cu3Sn. It could be confirmed that double-layer Kirkendall voids growth kinetics were closely related to the Cu–Sn IMC growth mechanism in the Cu/Sn/Cu microbump, which could seriously deteriorate the mechanical and electrical reliabilities of the fine-pitch microbump systems

Nepes Corporation

Statistical Aspect on the Measuring of Intermetallic Compound Thickness of Lead Free Solders

Technical Library | 2018-05-17 11:14:52.0

Intermetallic compound (IMC) growth is being studied in earnest in this past decade because of its significant effect the solder joint reliability. It appears that from numerous investigations conducted, excessive growth of IMC could lead to solder joint failure. Leading to this, many attempts has been made to determine the actual IMC thickness. However, precise and true representation of the growth in the actual 3D phenomenon from 2D cross-section investigations has remained unclear. This paper will focus on the measuring the IMC thickness using 3D surface profilometer (Alicona Focus G4). Lead free solder, Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305) was soldered onto copper printed circuit board (Cu PCB). The samples were then subjected to thermal cycle (TC) storage process with temperature range from 0 °C to 100 °C for 200 cycles and up to 1000 cycles were completed.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Effect of Reflow Profile on Intermetallic Compound Formation

Technical Library | 2013-10-24 15:47:53.0

Reflow soldering in a nitrogen atmosphere is a common process consideration in surface mount technology assembly. This is because the use of nitrogen in reflow equipment may benefit the process as well as the quality of the end product, where it can increase the reliability of the solder joint. (...) The present study investigated thoroughly the effect of different reflow soldering atmosphere, which is air and nitrogen on IMC formation and growth

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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