Parts & Supplies | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters
YAMAHA KHY-M66A2-000 YS12 ENCODING CABLE More information about Products please Contact US at or visit , thanks.
Parts & Supplies | General Purpose Equipment
20 -TM8C magazines available for $3,500.00 4- TM8FC - $5,500.00 12-TM12C - $3,500.00 10-TM12/16 -$3,500.00 5- Vibe feeders available for $2,000.00 10-TM16mm - $3,000.00 3-TM32mm - $3,000.00 2-TM44mm - $3,000.00 Flex feeders -$3,000.00 Many inserts
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
I-PULSE F1-82mm-1005 Feeder LG4-M2A00-00 I-PULSE F1-82mm-0402Feeder LG4-M1A00-030 I-PULSE F1-84mm 0603 Feeder LG4-M1A00-022 I-PULSE F1-12mm Feeder LG4-M4A00-010 I-PULSE F1-16mm Feeder LG4-M5A00-010 I-PULSE F1-24mm Feeder LG4-M6A00-00 I-PU
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
The JUKI high-speed patch machine FX-1R corresponds to a high-speed mount using an advanced linear motor and a unique HI-Drive mechanism, which inherits the traditional concept of a modular mount machine and realizes a high-speed mount machine. Reaso
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Starting in May 2008, JUKI Corporation (President Kazuyuki Nakamura; listed on First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) is beginning worldwide sales of its High-speed Modular Mounter FX-3. The FX3 is an industrial robot for mounting electronic comp
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
KHY-M221A-A0 KGT-M221A-A0 YAMAHA YG12 tank chain gland KHY-M2267-00 YG12 tank chain YS12 towline keel X axis PISCO SP2550 R75 KHY-M2276-S0 YS12 screw X-axis YG12 X-axis screw YG12F YS12F screw guide KHY-M371R-00 RAIL GUIDE 12P YS24 YS100 Feida pl
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
10 pieces of 8x4mm used Samsung CP45-60 for package price of $2,000. In excellent condition with 30 days parts warranty. Located in San Diego, CA. See attached picture
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